
Elevator Internal Assembly (Part 3) - Final

Assembly for elevator internal components is complete.

Elevator Internal Assembly (Part 3) - Final

The internal structure build for the elevator is complete, including adding a bracket for pitch trim servo.


The outer ribs were dimpled with the 1/8” dimple die, as per the instructions. outer ribs dimpling Outer ribs dimpled.


Before riveting, the parts were clecoed together for proper alignment. rib assembly 1 Internal structure temporary assembly. rib assembly 2 Internal structure temporary assembly.


Once the parts were clecoed, they were permanently joined together using the provided rivets in the kit. Very few holes had to be cleaned using metal drill bit. end rib rivet End rib riveted. trim motor bracket Trim motor bracket riveted. overall riveting 1 Intermediary rib riveted. overall riveting 2 Intermediary pivot bracket riveted. overall riveting 3 Overall riveting. overall riveting 4 Overall riveting.

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