Fuel Tank End Ribs
Fuel tank end ribs and fuel level senders are assembled and ready for assembly to the fuel tank skeleton.
We finished assembling the fuel tank end ribs as well as fuel level senders for both the wings in order to catch up before moving on to the left wing.
Root rib
Steel epoxy was applied on the outside of the rivnuts before pulling them for a solid bond as described in the instructions. Additionally, loctite was used for the threads before tightening the fuel line fittings. Epoxy mixed before pulling the rivnuts.
Rivnuts pulled on the root rib.
Rivnuts pulled on the root rib.
Fuel line fittings installed.
Tip rib
Loctite was used for the threads before tightening the fuel line fittings. Additionally, to position the drain tube, the rib was clecoed on the appropriate fuel tank skin part. Fuel line fittings installed.
Level senders
The original fuel level senders were disassembled, and sling aircraft provided angle brackets were used to mount the senders. Additionally, a pipe bender was used to bend the floats, and also tested inside the root rib for appropriate movement. In the end, a multi-meter was used to test resistance as the fuel sender float moves, works properly. Original fuel level senders disassembled.
Original fuel level senders disassembled.
Assembled fuel level senders.
Assembled fuel level senders with floats.
We used some new tools for the above steps, as listed below:
- Pipe Bender: https://www.harborfreight.com/tubing-bender-3755.html
- Hack Saw: https://www.harborfreight.com/12-in-360-adjustable-hacksaw-58318.html
- Vice Grip: https://www.amazon.com/Yost-Vises-LV-4-Homeowners-Combination/dp/B00YS401X0/
- Loctite 577: https://next.henkel-adhesives.com/us/en/products/industrial-sealants/central-pdp.html/loctite-5770/BP000000292261.html
- Steel Epoxy: https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/wppages/t88gluegun.php