Fuel Tank Skin Dimpling
Fuel tank skin have been dimpled for both right and left wing.
We dimpled both the right and left wing fuel tank skins. The process was pretty straightforward requiring some people which made it lot faster using our impact dimpler.
We also ran into an issue related to a skin tear which is a hole accidentally done using the dimple dies. Currently, the plan is to clean up the hole and then rivet it but also dip the rivet in pro-seal for good sealing. Using the pro-seal might not be necessary since the hole is on the side of the tank which does not hold any fuel.
I will email the builder support team to see what can be done about this as well, and post an update on this post.
Update: According to builder support it’s best to replace the skin, however when looking at the hole and how tiny it is, there is a possibility to clean up the hole to prevent further crack propagation and seal it with pro-seal and a rivet if needed, however there might be part of the skeleton below that hole, so along with sealing the hole with pro-seal, I can also drill through that hole into the skeleton and, rivet it with a 2.4mm rivet, all this in a way will act as a doubler.
Right fuel tank skin dimpling.
Right fuel tank skin dimpling.
Right fuel tank skin dimpled.
Left fuel tank skin dimpling.
Left fuel tank skin location of the tear.
Left fuel tank skin dimpled.