
Horizontal Stabilizer Skin Assembly (Part 2) - Left Side

Assembly for horizontal stabilizer left skin is complete.

Horizontal Stabilizer Skin Assembly (Part 2) - Left Side

The assembly for the horizontal stabilizer left side skin is complete. This also concludes the assembly of the horizontal stabilizer. We followed the same sequence in riveting as the right skin, which has been described in the previous article. The skin was dimpled as well, very similar to right side.

Trim Servo Wiring

Before clecoing the skin, the wiring for the elevator trim servo was placed through the ribs using the provided rubber grommets. trim wiring 1 22 AWG 5 core wire passed through the ribs. trim wiring 2 22 AWG 5 core wire passed through the ribs. trim wiring 3 22 AWG 5 core wire passed through the ribs. trim wiring 4 22 AWG 5 core wire passed through the ribs.


Same sequence as the right skin was followed for the process of coecoing the skin. left skin assembly 1 Left Skin temporary joined using clecos. left skin assembly 2 Left Skin temporary joined using clecos. left skin assembly 3 Left Skin temporary joined using clecos. left skin assembly 4 Left Skin temporary joined using clecos. left skin assembly 5 Left Skin temporary joined using clecos.


Same sequence as the clecos was followed for riveting the skin. left skin riveting 1 Left Skin riveted to the internal structure. left skin riveting 2 Left Skin riveted to the internal structure. left skin riveting 3 Left Skin riveted to the internal structure. left skin riveting 4 Left Skin riveted to the internal structure. left skin riveting 5 Left Skin riveted to the internal structure.

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