Right Aileron Assembly
The assembly of the right wing aileron is done upto the alignment step on to the wing.
The assembly of the right wing aileron is finished. It required doing a few dimples. The only thing that is left is to pull the final rivets, which will be done once it is ready for alignment time with the rest of the right wing assembled. Clecoeing and riveting was pretty straightforward. Bottom skin was done first then the top skin, going from the trailing edge to the leading edge on the top skin and the reverse on the bottom skin.
Few dimples on the internal structure and the skin.
Riveting the internal assemblies.
Eyebolt installed with the studlock compound.
Eyebolt installed with the studlock compound.
Bottom skin clecoed.
Top skin clecoed.
Bottom skin riveted.
Top skin riveted.
Studlock was used in order to permanently secure the bolt going through the eyebolt
. The required compound was provided in the kit: https://www.retech.com/en/product/studlock.