
Rudder Internal Assembly

Rudder internal riveting is complete.

Rudder Internal Assembly

We finished assembly for the rudder internal structure. The process was pretty straightforward, and also required some minor dimpling in the process. Additionally, a few holes needed to be cleaned up with a 3.2mm drill bit.

Top Rib

Assembling the top rib was pretty straightforward, along with some hole cleaning. top-1 Top rib clecoed. top-2 Top rib riveted.

Bottom Rib

Assembling the bottom rib was pretty straightforward, along with some hole cleaning. bottom-1 Bottom rib clecoed. bottom-2 Bottom rib riveted.

Center Ribs

Assembling the rest of the ribs was pretty straightforward, along with some hole cleaning. center-assembly-1 Center ribs clecoed. center-assembly-2 Center ribs clecoed. Perfect alignment with vertical stabilizer internal structure. center-assembly-3 Center ribs riveted. center-assembly-4 Center ribs riveted.

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