
Rudder Skin Riveting Part 2 (Final) + Installing Tail Beacon

Rudder skin is completely riveted, and a red tail beacon has also been installed.

Rudder Skin Riveting Part 2 (Final) + Installing Tail Beacon

We riveted the whole rudder skin, only top one was left from the previous blog. Additionally, red tail beacon was also wired and installed on top of the fiberglass tip.

Tail Beacon Installation

Installing the tail beacon consisted of two parts, the bulb socket itself and the wiring that went with it. We used some epoxy.

Bulb Socket

Installing the bulb socket required some drilling using step drill bits, along with using some epoxy to join the rivnuts to the fiberglass tip. socket-1 Holes to accommodate the tail beacon bulb socket. socket-2 Red Tail beacon with the bulb and socket. socket-3 Rivnuts epoxied to the fiberglass tip. socket-4 Rivnuts epoxied to the fiberglass tip. socket-5 New holes to rivet the socket. socket-6 Bulb socket riveted to the tail fin. socket-7 Bulb socket riveted to the tail fin. socket-8 Bulb socket with the bulb and cover attached.


Installing the wiring required installing some snap bushings to protect the wires along with braided sleeving. Additionally, solder sleeves with heat shrink were used to join the wires. wiring-1 Snap bushings installed for the wire holes. New rivets installed on either side for re-enforcement. wiring-2 Wires attached with solder sleeves. wiring-3 Wires with braided sleeving and extra length as a service loop.

Top Skin Riveting

Riveting the top skin was pretty straightforward, some holes needed to be cleaned up using a 3.2mm drill bit. An extra rivet was added on both sides of the trailing edge for additional re-enforcement. top-skin-riveting-1 Top skin riveted (trailing edge). top-skin-riveting-2 Top skin riveted. top-skin-riveting-3 Top skin riveted.

Avionics & Tools

Below are some avionics components, wiring components, and additional tools which were used for this process.

Red Tail BeaconPSA Enterprise red tail beacon
Wire CuttersMicro wire snips for cutting
Power Supply12v DC power supply for testing
MultimeterFor electrical connection testing
Braided SleevingFor protecting electrical wires against chaffing
Heat GunFor using heat shrink butt connectors
Wire ConnectorsHeat shrink butt connectors 18-22awg waterproof
18awg Red WireMil spec red wire 18awg for power
18awg Black WireMil spec black wire 18awg for power (ground)
Snap BushingFor protecting electrical wires in a hole against chaffing
High Heat EpoxyFor gluing rivnuts to the fiberglass tip
Step Drill BitsFor drilling a big size hole more gracefully
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